My passion is cultivating my spiritual identity. I am blessed that I never questioned if there is a spiritual reality or not, I just knew this is my truth and living into the spiritual reality has been my driving force has far back as I can remember.

There is an expression in my spiritual journey that says Life is Shabda* and Shabda is Life. I have contemplated this phrase for many years and have come to realize that my job is to see the Divine in all Life. No matter where I am or what I am doing it is my responsibility to see the Divine in all moments.

Painting actively serves as a creative means to allow my spiritual identity to express itself. The paintings you see on this site outwardly appear diverse but behind these manifested images is the unseen force of the Eternal Beloved expressing through me. One voice, one topic, one theme!

My process is simple; I take the time to turn within and I ask- How do You want to express through me? And I wait and I wait, often asking the question many times. Then the magic happens. I feel a deep stirring and I sense colors wanting to be expressed on canvas. Slowly over time, from hours to weeks to months, images are brought to life; bringing inspiration, upliftment, beauty. Upon completion of each piece I am always deeply moved and filled with deep gratitude. The Eternal Beloved has once again brought into my awareness that Love permeates all of creation.

*Shabda- the unwritten law and spoken language that flows out of the Godhead creating,sustaining and nurturing all life.

Karina Silver, Pagosa Springs Co 970 946 5446